Our main fundraising activity for the year starts on Monday, March 15th and will run for three weeks, finishing on Wednesday, April 7th. We will be selling bars of chocolate. Please note that in our Health lessons for the duration of the fundraising, the health message that chocolate is a treat and not everyday food will be emphasized. Each participating student will be given a box of chocolate to sell. The money received can be paid to Mr Collins in Workshop 2 from 8.15 to 8.40 each morning. Those students who wish to sell extra boxes must first have paid for their previous box before they can collect another box from Mr Collins’ Office each day at 2.50 pm.
The three students who raise the most money will receive $100.
The class with the highest total receives a mufti day.
The last day for issuing chocolates is Wednesday, April 7th. To be eligible for prizes both individual and class, all money and unsold bars need to be returned to school by 3 pm on Wednesday, April 14 2021.
The money raised will be used to renew team sporting and cultural uniforms.